How I Got Rid of Plantar Fasciitis

On another page, I discussed my experience with plantar fasciitis over the years. On this page you'll find links to detailed pages telling how I actually got rid of plantar fasciitis the two times I had it really badly using a host of different therapies, including wearing the right shoes - all the time.  Yup, I learned that with this disease, it was important to have good shoes not just for doing athletics, but puttering around at home, standing in the shower, hiking, and being out and about.

I feel that after what I've learned, if my plantar fasciitis pops up again, I'm in a good position to deal with it again much more quickly, before it ever gets to the crippling stage.

The plantar fascia is made of collagen.  It connects the heel bone, called the calcaneus, with the bones of the toes, the metatarsals.  It's big, and it does a lot - stabilizes the start-stop movement of the foot, supports the arch, gives leverage.  Plantar fasciitis may start slowly with an ache, but it can develop into disabling pain. It's my hope that this website gives you some encouragement in dealing with what can be a persistent and chronic foot trauma. 

So these are the things I did to help myself heal from plantar fasciitis: